Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Up World, Its The End of GWU For Me!

Hey World. Well, I am about to graduate in 3 days. Maybe it is at times like this, moments of immense transition, that one is supposed to ruminate on how he has lived his life. In any case, it's probably the time that most of us do so anyways.

So, I am graduating with a double major in economics and statistics without a job prospect in sight. The half way good news though is that I decided to continue schooling myself in the ways of the world, this time shifting to the ways of law. Worst come to worst, I could have probably found a job, but it probably wouldn't have been the greatest one (read: pay well) and my law school decision could possibly end up being a better move in the long run. But, as my favorite quotation says: "In the long run, we are all dead."


Anywho, This last 4 years has definitely been an enlightening experience filled with personal discovery and I hope...growth. It amazes me that in the past, whenever I have thought I have had it all figured out, a few years later I have a completely different philosophical standpoint. The lesson I've learned is that I should never assume I "get it," and for the last 2 years that has basically been my modus operandi. Another lesson: almost all of the things my parents warned me about or told me to do that I disagreed with turned out to be true. Or maybe I'm looking at the past subjectively. I still remember a phone call with my mom last semester where she basically ended the conversation by telling me not to leave my room after dark for the sake of my own safety, ROFFLE.

So, what have I learned about life? IDK. I know that there is so much out there that I have yet to experience, that I will probably never experience. I know I would like to, but at the same time I understand that life, as we know it, is essentially meaningless, in that the only point of life may be existence itself.

Anyways, I have also learned the value of personal investment. Invest in yourself through hard work and dedication, build your self up and you will be an asset to the world. Because of this, I want to be a hard worker, I want to be on my grind. I have a plan, I've always had plans. My only question is, when do the plans end. Will it always just be constant hard work. Maybe it will be, maybe i'll have the weekends to play. In any case, I think I can deal with it. Without any work to do, what would I have to do anyways?

Wow, this is getting pretty rambley.

Another lesson I've learned with is that your much better off laughing something off than making a big deal about it. Anger is so temporary, sometimes when it wears off you feel like you're waking up from a strange dream. But, on the other hand, actions are the basis for character, and you can't excuse every little indiscretion.

In the end, its all about the people you know. The relationships you have with the world outside your mind. I think the most important lesson I can think of right now that I should remember for the rest of life is that I could live a life of solitude if i wanted. But, for whatever physiological reason, it would make me a miserable person. I think that your connection to the outside world is probably the single most important aspect of my life, and I want it to grow.

In any case, another lesson i've learned is that its tough to fight your emotions. You can try and reason with them, but they are so visceral and primal, its tough to put them to bed, even if your higher consciousness wants to. Doesn't mean you shouldn't stop trying though. Except, I guess happiness is the one emotion that I want, even if it turns out to be irrational.

Sum Up:

goodbye GWU, I've had some great times, I've had some bad times, but hey: it coulda been a lot worse.


hello NYU.

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