Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm Such a Great "Mathlete!"

On Monday I trudged my way through the thick rain with no umbrella (forgot it on Amtrak) from E street all the way to the to the crumbling, stale green basement of the GWU Stat department on Penn Ave.

Usually me and this other stat tutor chit chat while we switch over shifts. I noticed she was on a website custom designing a t-shirt. It was a bright green shirt with "Mathlete" emblazoned on the front. My first reaction was, "oh snap!" she must have been a mathlete too, or at least appreciates them, I must fill her in on my mathletic past!

So I asked her about the t-shirt and it actually had quite the backstory. Her roommate works for the Special Olympics headquarters in DC and is always telling her about how the staff there uses the word "athlete" interchangeably with the word "retard." For example: "That Jimmy, he is such a great athlete!" I know, how messed up is that? And these are the same people who got on Obama for the bowling comment, LOL.

Anyways, apparently her and her boyfriend have always joked about this unseemly reversal and even took it one step further. They decided that, along the same line of thinking: retard is to athlete as social retard is to mathlete. Thus, as a special inside joke she was making mathlete t-shirts as a birthday present for her boyfriend.

At this point I thanked my luck that I hadn't excitedly brought up my past exploits on the math team before she explained the story behind her t-shirt. Oh well, one day us mathletes will rise up and gain the respect we deserve.

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