Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Al Franken vs. Norm Coleman....312 votes?

According to today's edition of the New York Times, Al Franken is poised to win the 2nd senator seat in Minnesota by a wide margin of 312 votes. Of course, the Republican incumbent and seeming loser Norm Coleman has appealed the verdict so things are not completely settled, but it seems like eventually Franken will be named Senator.

You know what sucks about this situation? A lot. 312 votes is a incredibly slim margin in comparison to the 3 million votes cast. That means that 49.989% of voters did not want Franken as their senator. He definitely won't have any "political capital" and a lot of voters will be left with a sour taste in their mouth.

This is democracy at its dirtiest. It is not an ideal situation for a Senator going into his first term, but it is something Franken will have to live with. Honestly, I am guessing their is not much difference between Republicans and Democrats in Minnesota anyways. It's probably just a bunch of split hairs. Of course, some split hairs are over whether to fund a statue and others are over whether to fund an abortion clinic...

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