Friday, March 20, 2009

Update on my life, last spring break of undergrad.

I've decided there is no use for this blog being anything else than a journal of my life for me to reflect upon in the years to come. I mean, maybe once in awhile I've have some interesting point to make about the greater world, but not on anything close to a regular basis. Maybe tonight though, I really don't feel like working on my econ thesis. I hate my thesis.

This spring break was pretty bland. Playing basketball with mike p was a lot of fun, I had not played basketball in a long time. Plus I had been sick for like over a week and finally getting some movement into my life felt good. Also, it was a great day weather wise.

I wish I had been better prepared for my interview with the SEO on Wed the 18th. However, I was not for a variety of reasons that are mostly my fault. I filled out all my taxes instead of working on the SEO stuff which was dumb. It turns out that SEO was really hard, I didn't learn that until the day before the interview when I read on a message board that they conduct "stress" interviews. I didn't prepare my anwsers well enough before hand.

THe actual interview was hilarious. There were two women interviewing me, with one asking the majority of the questions. The majority quesiton asker would ask me questions then stare at her computer and type really loudly while I gave my anwser. I knew going into it that the interviewers would do stuff like that. However, I had not prepared my anwsers well enough and when I talk off the top of my head I really start to talk very fast because thoughts just pile up on each other and I think that really makes me sound pretty anxious, even if I'm not, although...I was very anxious haha.

Anywas, I'm sure ill do better next time. It was cool going on the NY subway all by myself. wow, that makes me sound lame because im 21 years old....

It was also cool when on the way back home the 4 train uptown had broken down and the subway operators had given a garbled message about how to go to some other train to get uptown but I could not understand it. So I basically walked in some direction that I thought may be correct, hoping to find another subway station more uptown that had a running 4 train. I was walking through NYC all by myself with really no idea where I was going...and happily it worked out well. Wow, i am lame.

NYC is dirtier than DC, but not really that bad. At least the area I was in. The streets were a little narrower, and the bulidings ALOT higher. This caused there to be some immense shadows making the whole place seem a little darker (NYC is definately more Gothom than DC, which is more metropolis in the sense that it is lit better...).

Today I helped my dad attach the dryer vent to the new dryer. that was good times, i felt like I had accomplished something with my hands...

I really have to get going on this thesis, i'll do it 2marrow....

Also, yesterday was the day of decadence for sure. well yesterday, and the night before yesterda when aakash slept over. It's over for me now though, it's time to become a healthy, normally functioning human being again. LETS DO THIS!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey what up. I got an exam tomorrow. It will be splendid.

you know, this may be the exact wrong time to be writing in this blog.

Is there a time when the human brain is just incapable of original (or any serious) thought at all?
If so, this may be one of those times. I just feel like closing my eyes and thinking only easy thoughts, ones that just float at the top of my head. Ones that whisk to and fro randomly, coming and going but really having no consequence.

That is how I was feeling, but when I started thinking about this my mind has become more active. Although, there is a pulsing pain in the lower left side of the back of my skull which makes me think that all this thought is causing my brain some strain. This could all be the result of how cruddy I feel right now, although I feel like I have been slowly getting better, which is nice.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

hey hey my my, rock and roll will never die. (COORY BOUKER AND THEE cOrruPTION FOs MAN)

I am bored right now so I thought I would write in this blog.

write about what exactly? Well let us see. Recently I sawr a film called "Street Fight" which documented the 2002 mayoral race between incumbent Sharpe James and young newcomer and outsider Cory Booker.

Do some research on Cory Booker and you can definitely see he is a "choir boy" type candidate. Cory doesn't smoke or drink. He went to Stanford, then became a Rhodes Scholar, and topped it all off by getting his Juris Doctor from Yale. On top of all that, when he moved to Newark and got elected as a city councilmen he chose to live in one of the public housing projects he represented. He made 100 grand a year and still chose to live in a public housing project!

Examining all I have just mentioned, Cory obviously seems like quite the reputable, respectable individual. His opponent, incumbent Sharpe James seems like just the opposite. A lot of his staff members were indicted on corruption charges in the 1990s and he himself was an old school machine politician who spared no expense in dishing out dirty tricks against Booker in the 2002 campaign.

Now, I have grown so cynical of politicians, and even righteous moral leaders in general, that the case of Cory Booker perplexes me. I mean, even Martin Luther King jr. had dalliances with girls while married in hotel rooms when he was travelling around giving speechs. No one is perfect, are they? Does not everyone get corrupted?

You know how people get corrupted. Their desire to be "the man." To get everything that causes them pleasure, even if its at the expense of others own well being. People want to command the respect of the world, to have the good life: fine things, fats, salts, sweets, and of course: a lot of sex. This desire for pleasure is pretty strong, combine it with the seed of doubt that just maybe, just maybe, this is all there is, and we only have one life to live.

In addition, we may become corruput ecause we are just so self centered. We can't feel the hardships or pleasure of other people, not in the visceral, chemical sense we feel our own emotions. That lack of empathy could in fact breed the capacity for corruption within us. I know it already has for me, it definitely has. What I dont know, is if it has for Cory Booker.

Who is this Cory Booker? Does he actually care about helping other people? Maybe he does, Maybe he really does. Although, maybe he doesn't. I'll keep an eye on his career for the rest of my life, because I am really interested in his own morality.

If it turns out he truly has the self control and discipline to "Do The Right Thing," well then...I'll hate myself for not having the same strength.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

untitled. pt.1

my blood is not clotting
its not clotting!!!

come save me bernard.


thats an excerpt from an extra hilarious bathroom opera i wrote in my head yesterday. too bad it will never get produced.